Employability Skills

Highly Compelling Career Readiness Curriculum

Career Prep Curriculum for Young Adults

Employers continually complain about young people’s lack of critical workplace skills. This deficiency is noted during the interview or when youth begin their jobs. That’s why we developed our employability skills courses: to empower your students with the mindset and skills they need to become leaders in today’s workforce — whether they’re working for a company or organization, as a freelancer or as an entrepreneur.

After completing our employability skills training, your students will understand how to:

  • Recognize the difference between a low-level performer and a high-level performer in the workplace
  • Adopt the mindset and attitude necessary to become a top performer in the workplace
  • Apply professionalism to everything they do — from being on time and how they dress to how they communicate and how they get the work done
  • Become a dependable contributor to their organization by accomplishing tasks well and on time
  • Go above and beyond the minimum requirements
  • Work well with a diverse group of people specific to their workplace goals and situations

At the end of the employability course, students rate themselves and get rated using The 220 Workforce Scale to measure their workplace skills and learn which areas need improvement. Each student makes a final presentation based on this rating and everything he or she has learned during the course.

The Employability Skills Track Course Outline *

* NOTE: This course is currently offered only in the student online course format. The instructor-led version will be released at a future date.

Module 01: Choose the Right Job
Module 02: Adopt the Right Mindset
Module 03: Be Someone They Can Trust
Module 04: Show Up to Work the Right Way
Module 05: Be a Great Listener
Module 06: Be Safe
Module 07: Work Well with Others
Module 08: Help Customers Achieve Their Goals
Module 09: Get Stuff Done
Module 10: Become a Top Performer
Module 11: Stay Calm Under Pressure
Module 12: Build Relationships
Module 13: Advocate for Yourself
Module 14: The 220 Workforce Scale
Module 15: Presentation Prep
Module 16: Practice Presentation
Module 17: Final Presentation
Module 18: Assessment, Celebration & What’s Next?

Make 220 Your First Choice
for Helping Youth Reach Their
Second-to-None Potential

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New Employability Training Course Gets Results

This is a new learning track, but the early results are very promising! After taking these courses, 220-enrolled students Strongly Agree or Agree with the following concepts:

feel more confident they can be a leader in their current or next professional roles.

understand what it takes to be a high-performing, dependable, trustworthy and respectable employee.

feel more confident that they have the mindset and skills to accomplish their professional goals.

understand the difference between doing the bare minimum and going above and beyond on the job.

feel more confident in their ability to work well with diverse individuals and groups.

would recommend this course to other students.

What Students Had to Say After Completing This Track

“I really enjoyed this course because I learned what to do when choosing the right job and in situations when I don’t necessarily like my current job. I learned a lot about working with others as well.”

“[I improved] my stress management and how to strive to be a top performer.”

“In this course, I feel like I learned a lot about what comes with working with others and that will really help me improve.”

“I am proud to say this course made me more confident to achieve more.”

“This course helped me see how my greatest dreams are achievable with the right effort.”

“I feel like the section about staying calm really impacted me because I tend to freak out under pressure, and I feel like that will help me a lot in the workplace and further on in life.”

Make 220 Your First Choice for Helping Youth Reach Their Second-to-None Potential