Out-of-School Time

Afterschool and Summer Youth Leadership Programs

Afterschool and Summer Youth Development

220 Leadership works with established out-of-school time (OST) organizations that serve older youth (12+ years). We partner with OST programs, community-based organizations and statewide afterschool networks to help students build the skills to succeed in high school, in their post-secondary school/training programs, and in their careers and lives.

We bring expertise to afterschool and summer leadership programs that focus on critical topics like leadership development, social and emotional learning (SEL), college and career readiness, resume and interview skills, employability skills, entrepreneurship, personal finance, college/career preparedness and more. Courses are aligned with 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CLCC), Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER), the American Rescue Plan Act and the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA).

We reduce staff burnout through ready-to-implement content, and increase engagement with students through our digital learning tracks. We bring the critical education into your program that most program staffs don’t have time to create with the intentionality they need to equip students for lifelong success. Our programs have been tested, refined, researched and evaluated to help students build the critical skills needed to thrive in their careers and lives.

Helping You Create an Outstanding OST Program

220’s turnkey courses, content and tools help you teach youth the mindset and skills they need to pursue their unique path through life, creating the future that’s best for them — whatever that might be — regardless of who they are or where they start. We give you a step-by-step process and the necessary training to help your afterschool program or leadership summer camp develop a curriculum that helps your youth become leaders, creators and entrepreneurs.

The 220 Solution Is Ideal for Many OST Organizations

Our proven, ready-to-go courses and tools provide everything you need to help youth learn the skills they need to succeed. 220 Leadership offers all the assistance you need to make sure your program thrives. Best of all, our unique approach to content and learning gets results. Everything we teach has been tested by our team and then validated through research and testing with young people all over the country. Instead of hoping they pick up life skills indirectly, we help youth learn these critical skills directly and apply them to their own goals.

If you operate one or more of the following, and you’re interested in learning more about teaching life skills to the young people under your supervision, then get in touch today!

  • Afterschool Programs
  • Community-Based Organizations
  • Statewide Afterschool Networks
  • Summer Youth Employment Initiatives

Make 220 Your First Choice
for Helping Youth Reach Their
Second-to-None Potential

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A 220 Success Story

The Indiana Afterschool Network goes from no centralized high school College and Career Readiness (CCR) programming to 200+ students engaged.

  • The COVID-19 pandemic caused many programs in the state of Indiana to move to all virtual programming.
  • Many programs didn’t have a virtual program option, especially for the traditionally underserved high school-aged student.
  • Statewide virtual cohort model for high school students through afterschool programs
  • The Leadership Course (both online and virtual)
  • Onboarding, support and celebration webinars for staff and students
  • 10 programs and 200+ students engaged
  • Students practicing self-leadership by setting “unrealistic” goals and learning the science of achievement
  • Decreased burden on staff while still delivering a high-quality virtual program

Make 220 Your First Choice for Helping Youth Reach Their Second-to-None Potential